(203) 556-9491


Mural Myths Debunked
Myth:  Murals are only for the more public areas of your home.

Not true.  The mural doesn't know where it lives.  It's wonderful to have a mural in the areas of your home you share with friends.  But think of your personal space as well... the master bedroom and bath or your office.
Myth:  I don't think having a mural painted is within my budget.

Not true.  Your mural solution does not need to be one that wraps around an entire wall.  The options are endless, whether it's a focal wall, a vignette or perhaps a "painted window" with your favorite scene.  I am always respectful of my client's budget.  Combining design with innovation will keep the work within your budget.

Myth:  I may be moving.  It's not like I could take it with me.

Not true.  Murals can be painted on canvas and put up much the same as wallpaper.  Easy to put up, and just as simple to remove if you relocate.